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We would like to note that we are not sure if this guide works for Apple Silicon devices, but if you can share your thoughts on this, share them at our Community Discussions page!

Here's what you need to patch your Mac using the OpenCore Legacy Patcher

Please note that if you have Windows installed on your device, the patching will not take place.

After you made sure your device fits all the requirements and you have all the resources you need, let's proceed to the OS detection method.

How far can I go with OpenCore Legacy Patcher?

Technically, OCLP can patch any Mac with Intel to any OS, but practically, OCLP is usable only to patch your Mac to the OS X/macOS version, which is the successor of the next macOS version after yours.

Let break it down using a following example: the Mid 2012 MacBook Pro's newest compatible macOS release is macOS Catalina 10.15.7. With OCLP, your Mac can be patched to macOS 11.7.2 and it'll be still usable. OCLP can also upgrade you to macOS 12 Monterey, but it's not sure if your Mac will be as easy to use as before - although the 15-inch Mid 2012 MacBook Pro was lagging after upgrading to macOS 12, the 13-inch Mid 2012 MacBook Pro is working flawlessly.

In case you want some easy macOS compatibility mathematics, here's something that may help you - this trick works with all Macs starting from 2012. If you'll add 7 years to the year when your Mac has been released, you have the release year of the latest macOS version, which'll be ever compatible with your Mac. Also, keep an eye on the Early/Mid/Late monicker - if your Mac has been released in Mid 2015, that means that the latest OS compatible with that Mac is macOS Monterey which was Apple's latest OS in Mid 2022.

This rule doesn't work for Mid 2013 macBook Airs and 2013 "Trash Can" Mac Pros.

After some prep for surgery, let's start the patching itself!


First of all, you need to make sure that you have a backup of all of your files on your Mac. We strongly advice you doing this just for safety case. The Time Machine backup is in any case also good.

Now it's time for the procedure:

Step 1: make a bootable installer for your OS (read more here)

Step 2: after you made the bootable installer, open the OpenCore legacy patcher

This guide is made by the OCLP v.0.6.7. The UI in newer OCLP versions may look differently, but the ideology remains the same.

Step 3: Now, on the screen that has just appeared, ...

... click Build and Install OpenCore.

By going at Settings > Build sequence, you can configure the way you are patching your Mac.

Step 4: After your OpenCore configuration has been built, you'll get a prompt. Click Install to disk.

Step 5: After the process has been finished, quit the OCLP app and restart your Mac while holding the Alt key. Make sure that your USB is in the USB port.

Step 6: When you see the available boot disk destinations, select EFI boot with the navigation keys (◀︎ to go left, ▶︎ to go right and ⏎ Enter to select the boot destination). In the new menu that has just appeared (you should see OpenCore text on the border of your screen), select the "Install macOS {version name}" bootable installer that you've made a while ago (◀︎ to go left, ▶︎ to go right and ⏎ Enter to select the boot destination).

Step 7: After 3-7 minutes, you should see a menu with 4 options. Select the second option (It should be called "Install macOS {version name}"). Go through all the steps, select the drive you need and start the installation!

Don't take out the USB stick during the entire installation process!
After your Mac has finished preparation to get the OS installed, you'll see the same screen sequence we've seen before at Step 6. Now, instead of going to your USB stick at the second screen with OpenCore monicker, select macOS Install drive instead.

Now, you'll get the casual OS installation as you typically see when you are upgrading to the new macOS version.

After several restarts, you'll see the login screen - simply type in your user password, go through a minimised version of a Setup Assistant, and you are done!

Now, you can take out the USB stick!

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